Agents in China
People’s Republic of China
General Agent of North East China (Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang Province and Inner Mongolia)
Agent Representative: Mr Gu Li
Katgully Wines Sales Company Siping City.
No. 114 Retail Shop, Jindihuazhang, Building 1 , Ziqi Road, Tiexi District Siping City, 136000.
Jilin Province, People’s Republic of China.
Tel: + 86 0434 – 3633871
Fax : +86 0434 – 3638633
Mobile +86 18643486888
People’s Republic of China
General Agent of Guangxi Province
Agent Representative: Gold Label Trading Company Limited
Jinghai Haoting Retail Shop(9-1, 9-10), No. 107. South of Yunnan Road Beihai City, 536000.
Guangxi Province, People’s Republic of China.
Supervisor: Mr Alan Guan
Tel: + 86 0779 – 3966108
Fax : +86 0779 – 3966108